Related subject guide and suggested database
1864-present; index of articles in theatre, dance, & film.
Related subject guide and suggested database
Comprehensive resource for art information, including articles and indexing of art dissertations & art reproductions.
Art Full Text: 1984-present. Provides examples of styles and art movements, including works by emerging artists. Covers fine, decorative, and commercial art, folk art, photography, film, and architecture, and a database-specific thesaurus.
Art & Architecture Source: The largest full-text art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, architecture and architectural design. Strong international coverage, art journals, magazines and books, detailed indexing and abstracts, and thousands of images.
Related subject guide and suggested database
Abstracts and full text of music-related articles, both scholarly and popular.
Related subject guide and suggested database
1864-present; index of articles in theatre, dance, & film.