Posted on behalf of Dr. Jennifer Dean, Director of the Thompson Library.
This past Fall semester, we introduced a new event, Drop-in on the Director. It was a joy to spend time with students and hear their questions, thoughts, and reflections about our beloved Frances Willson Thompson Library. As you may imagine, the feedback I received from students was wide-ranging. I’d like to share some of the feedback and discussions I had below - as we always say in academia, if one person has a question, others likely do, too! Here are a few questions with answers below on the topics I heard most frequently.
Library building - space, furnishing, lighting, plug-ins
Many of the questions I received concerned the library facility itself. While some students were curious about potential updates to the library, others love the traditional feel of our library and its collections and advocated for preserving this atmosphere. Students particularly appreciate the study rooms and the Quiet Room.
Q: Will more outlets for power and USB be added to the library?
A: Yes! Coming soon - students will be able to check out a device with these outlets at the library’s 3rd floor desk that can be used anywhere in the library.
Q: Might the library consider purchasing more types of seating?
A: Yes! We are working on a project we expect to complete by this summer. We will be replacing some seating and adding chairs with a variety of arm and no-arm styles.
Q: Can the lights in the atrium be adjusted?
A: Not at this time. They are on motion and light sensors.
Q: If no one is waiting on a group study room, can I renew it myself online and continue working?
A: You can request additional reservations, but this must be done at the 3rd floor desk and will be decided on a case by case basis.
Q: Are there library spaces for students only?
A: Students are our first priority in the library! However, libraries are also places where all are welcome to just be, and our library and archives work with many people in our community. The library currently prioritizes students with swipe only access hours in the mornings and evenings and works closely with DPS to ensure the library considers safety in all operations.
Library Collections
Students appreciate the library’s collections in all formats. The Thompson Library has an incredible collection for a library of our size due to the good work of our librarians and our partnership with our colleague libraries in Ann Arbor and Dearborn. Did you know: Thompson Library has 95% of the access to online collections that students have in Ann Arbor? And - our book collection is used by both Flint and Ann Arbor students, faculty, and staff.
Q: Where are the poetry books?
A: Thompson Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) call number system, which files books by subject. This is different from the Dewey Decimal system you may be familiar with in your school or public library - Dewey creates separate sections for poetry. With the LC system, literature books are filed by their author's name and country of origin. This means our poetry books are shelved throughout the P section of the library. Using our QuickSearch is a great way to find what you are looking for. And, librarians or other library staff are always here to help.
Q: Can alumni access online collections?
A: Yes, inside the library! From outside the library, for the most part, no. Access to these collections is governed by contracts with the businesses who make these collections available, and these contracts limit use of online resources to current students, faculty, and staff only. However, some databases are open access, meaning that anyone can access them online, and others are available through Michigan eLibrary. Please see our FAQ about alumni access for more information and to use these resources.
Library Events
We received nothing but enthusiastic feedback about library events, and requests for more! In addition to library-sponsored events, we partner with various organizations, both on and off campus, to determine events for the library. Students especially appreciate our Therapy Dog de-stress sessions! We regularly partner with Mid-Michigan Therapy Dogs to bring these furry friends to campus, and Liz Svoboda, our Instruction and Outreach Librarian, is always looking for opportunities to increase these events and make them welcoming for all. These events can get pretty crowded - Liz works with the therapy dog handlers to create both busy and quieter areas for interaction with therapy dogs. If you need support between therapy dog sessions, UM-Flint is here for you! Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you trust or our colleagues at CAPS.
Stay tuned for our next drop-in session! In the meantime - if you ever have any questions, concerns, or other feedback, please don’t hesitate to talk with anyone in our amazing library and archives community here on campus. And, you may always contact me directly at