Phone: (810) 762-3400
Text message: (810) 407-5434 (text messages only)
Profiles of U.S.-based foundations, describing programs, areas of funding, types of support, recent grants made, etc.
Profiles over 105,000 U.S.-based foundations, describing programs, areas of funding, types of support, geographic emphasis, trustees & officers, application process, deadlines, high, low & average grants, and lists of recent grants made. Also provides access to recent tax returns for private foundations as submitted to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (Form 990-PF's). Updated biweekly.
Information on previously awarded grants worldwide to support researchers’ efforts to secure new funding.
Discover awarded grants from the leading government and private funding agencies from around the world. Search by Topic, Principal Investigator, Funding Agency and Grant Type.
Directory of researchers & funding opportunities combining COS Funding Opportunities & COS Scholar Universe.
Pivot is a directory of researchers and research funding opportunities that combines two comprehensive, editorially maintained databases: the COS Funding Opportunities database of over 400,000 funding opportunities worth an estimated $33 billion, and the COS Scholar Universe database of 3 million profiles of scholars worldwide. Its proprietary algorithm compiles pre-populated researcher profiles unique to an organization (such as University of Michigan) and matches them to relevant current funding opportunities. Searching for a given scholar will link to matching funding opportunities. Updated continuously.
Note: Access to personalized features requires personal registration and login. COS Pivot replaces the former COS Expertise service.
Grants, publications, citations, alternative metrics, clinical trials, patents, and policy documents; helps find and access relevant information, analyze the academic and broader outcomes of research, and gather insights to inform future strategy.
Dimensions Plus brings together various research-related data sources in a venue that is consistent and accessible to the community. Data include grant information and also information on several publication types, including Books, Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, and Patents. Dimensions Plus provides the community with a data discovery engine that offers both context and perspective.
Searchable database of research expertise across disciplines at the University of Michigan.
Michigan Research Experts (formerly Michigan Experts) is a searchable database of research expertise that profiles faculty in selected schools, colleges, institutes and research centers at the University of Michigan. It has been developed to foster intramural and extramural collaborations, and interdisciplinary research. It contains publication citations (extracted from a variety of indexes including Scopus, Web of Science, etc.), grants, and patents data.
Directory of U-M faculty with expertise in sustainability projects and goals.
From the website: "The Graham Institute catalyzes and facilitates sustainability-focused collaborations involving faculty, students, and external stakeholders. We link knowledge to real-world impact by supporting collaborative teams spanning multiple topics, disciplines, and sectors. And we believe diversity, equity, and inclusion are key to empowerment and the advancement of sustainability."
Searchable in the following goal areas:
App to help researchers create data management plans (DMPs), which are now required by many funding agencies for grant proposal submission. It provides a click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with funder requirements; direct links to funder websites; help text for answering questions; and resources for best practices surrounding data management.
Tool for finding important topics and keywords within a text and matching them to JSTOR content. Upload text or a text file for analysis.
Many formats can be uploaded, including csv, doc, docx, gif, htm, html, jpg, jpeg, json, pdf, png, pptx, rtf, tif / tiff, txt, xlsx, text copied from a document, or the URL to a document.
You can adjust your results by adding or removing "prioritized terms," changing the publication dates for results, or including non-subscribed content.
This product is still in beta testing.
Tool used for creating and distribution online surveys, data storage, and analysis.
Repository of digital data developed or used in support of research activities of faculty and students on all three UM campuses. (For repository documents, see Deep Blue Documents.)
UM affiliates from all three campuses can submit their work for inclusion in Deep Blue Data.
UM affiliates from all three campuses can submit their work for inclusion in Deep Blue Documents.
Worldwide registry of research data repositories in multiple disciplines.
Some of the library's subscriptions to journals and databases can help cover the article processing charges (APCs) for open access publishing. U-M Flint faculty researchers who publish with the following presses can either get discounted or waived APCs if their article is accepted.
Publish at no cost (complete APC waivers)
APC Discounts
There has been an explosion in the number of open access journals in recent years. While many are serious scholarly projects that make a solid contribution to academia, some are of dubious intellectual value, and exist primarily to enrich their publishers through publishing fees.
Database of scholarly citation metrics for documents in academic and trade journals, book series, and conference proceedings. Covers the previous three calendar years, with current-year data added monthly.
Portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database. Shows h-index for journals.
1997-present. Information to assist in determining the importance of particular journals within subject categories. Covers thousands of scholarly and technical journals worldwide. Includes Science and Social Sciences Editions. Mobile app available.
Authors of papers ranking in the top 1% by citations for a field or fields and publication year in the Web of Science, representing the most cited 0.1% of scholars in the sciences and social sciences.
Highly Cited Researchers "represents some of world's leading scientific minds. Over three thousand researchers earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers, ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact." H-Index included
Mobile app available.
Quick, easy access to research performance of more than 16,700 research institutions and their associated researchers.
A web-based analytics solution that provides comprehensive access to the research performance of over 14,000 research institutions and their associated researchers from 230 nations worldwide. SciVal allows you to visualize your research performance, benchmark progress relative to peers, develop strategic partnerships, identify and analyze emerging research trends, and create uniquely tailored reports.
**All users will need to sign in with their Elsevier account to access SciVal.**
If you have already created an account with Elsevier on one of their platforms (ScienceDirect, Scopus, Embase, Engineering Village, Reaxys, or Mendeley), you will use that same login to access SciVal. If you have not previously created an Elsevier account, you will need to first register.
Link to create Elsevier account
This is a one-year trial subscription through February, 2021. Please send feedback to
Research institution performance statistics extrapolated from Web of Science indexing of scholarly journal citations. Mobile app available.
Essential Science Indicators is a unique compilation of institutional research performance statistics and trends extrapolated from counts of articles published in scholarly journals and the citations to those articles.
Article counts for Essential Science Indicators are derived from 11,855 journals indexed in Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index only) over a 10-year period. Citation counts for these articles are derived from journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index. and Arts & Humanities Citation Index).
Each journal is assigned to one of 22 research fields. In ESI, a journal can be assigned to only one field. Journals such as Science and Nature are categorized as multidisciplinary since they publish research in many different fields. As a result, individual papers published in these multidisciplinary journals are assigned to a field based on the representation of the cited journals. For example, if the majority of cited references in the paper are to neuroscience journals, the paper is then categorized as neuroscience.
Papers are defined as regular scientific articles and review articles . Letters to the editor, corrections, and abstracts are excluded.
The years shown in ESI reports are publication years, unless otherwise indicated. ESI indicators are calculated from 10 full years of data.
ESI is updated six times a year. The most recent update may add documents published in the previous year, in which case metrics based on the previous publication year may be adjusted.
Directory providing publishing information on academic journals in Educational Curriculum & Methods, Educational Psychology & Administration, and Educational Technology & Library Science.
Cabells includes journals in the list based on multiple factors including peer review, licensing policies, integrity, fees, ethical guidelines, sponsorship, and more. These directories assist researchers in the organizing and preparing of manuscripts by providing the publishing information of thousands of academic journals, including subject areas emphasized by each journal, type of review process, acceptance rate, number of reviewers, time required for review, and availability of reviewer comments. Some specific manuscript submission guidelines are also provided.
Tracks "mentions" on the web in various sources (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc.). Browse, search, and query mentions of publications and other output by researchers at U-M and elsewhere.
Altmetric Explorer for Institutions is a dashboard that allows users to browse, search, and query Altmetric data about "mentions" on the web of publications and other research outputs associated with researchers and departments at the University of Michigan--and elsewhere. The tool can be used to find and connect with readers of your work; to understand and communicate about online engagement with the work of any given researcher or department, or to see which research is most often mentioned in the news, cited in policy, etc. The University of Michigan is conducting a one-year pilot that will allow all affiliated users at the Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campuses to access the Altmetric Explorer.
Altmetric has a large and ever-growing set of sources where they look for mentions, since October 2011. (Start date of tracking varies by source.) It includes:
The H-index is a popular measure of publishing impact, where an author's H-index is represented by the number of papers (h) with a citation number ≥ h.
For example, a scientist with an H-index of 14 has published numerous papers, 14 of which have been cited at least 14 times each.
Note: H-index values often vary significantly by database, as each database contains different sources (e.g., peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, or grey literature) and thus different citation counts.
The following databases will calculate h-indexes for researchers.
Database Types: Datasets; Journals & Articles; Resource Platform; Search Engine
Mobile app available.
[User's guide]
International multi-disciplinary indexing & abstracting database for scientific, medical, technical, and social sciences. Searchable by cited-reference (forward citation searching). Covers journals, patents, and websites (16,500+ titles) from 4,000+ publishers, 1995-present, with limited earlier coverage.
Using this authenticated link makes obtaining resources easier. Articles that are available at UM-Flint will have the link "Find full text @ UM-Flint," or a link directly to the article, or both. Citations can be exported into EndNote.
If you have a ResearchGate account, you can also get an h-index through them:
The H-Index of journals is available through SCImago.
Portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database. Shows h-index for journals.
The following resources are geared to help faculty with professional development and education.
Online edition of the U.S.'s major news source for higher education. Includes text of every news article and essay from all weekly print issues published since September 1989, supplemented with all daily website-only updates and new-media extras such as slide shows, podcasts, and videos published since May 1998. Also includes blogs, job postings, The Chronicle Review weekly magazine and complete data from the annual Almanac of Higher Education since 1995, including demographics, enrollment, staff salaries, tuition fees, test scores, and more state by state, with additional sections for: Administrator Data, including pay and benefits of presidents; Financial & Institutional Data, including gifts and endowments, statistics on crime, graduation rates, degrees conferred, and Congressional earmarks for higher education; Faculty Data, including salaries, race and ethnicity, and scholarly productivity; and Student Data, including characteristics, enrollment, financial aid, foreign students, and test scores.
About personal accounts (optional):
Current U-M Flint faculty, students, and staff may create personal accounts that will also give them full access to the Chronicle website from anywhere provided that they enter their personal U-M email address (ending in as the email address for the account. To create a personal account, click on the Sign In link that appears at the top right of the Chronicle website or visit, and then click on the "Sign Up" tab and complete the form.
After creating a personal account, you can sign up for the Chronicles newsletters which provide daily and/or weekly updates of academic news of particular interest to you and which arrive via email. If you have previously created a personal account, and have used your personal U-M email address (ending in to do so, your account should automatically give you unrestricted access to the entire Chronicle site.