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Library Services and Resources for Faculty

Research Resources for Getting Started

Research Tools

Publishing Resources

Open Access APC Discounts Through the Library

Some of the library's subscriptions to journals and databases can help cover the article processing charges (APCs) for open access publishing. U-M Flint faculty researchers who publish with the following presses can either get discounted or waived APCs if their article is accepted.

Publish at no cost (complete APC waivers)

APC Discounts


Predatory Publishing

There has been an explosion in the number of open access journals in recent years. While many are serious scholarly projects that make a solid contribution to academia, some are of dubious intellectual value, and exist primarily to enrich their publishers through publishing fees. 

Journal and Scholar Rankings


The H-index is a popular measure of publishing impact, where an author's H-index is represented by the number of papers (h) with a citation number ≥ h.

For example, a scientist with an H-index of 14 has published numerous papers, 14 of which have been cited at least 14 times each.

Note: H-index values often vary significantly by database, as each database contains different sources (e.g., peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, or grey literature) and thus different citation counts.

The following databases will calculate h-indexes for researchers.

If you have a ResearchGate account, you can also get an h-index through them:

The H-Index of journals is available through SCImago.

Higher Education News & Professional Development

The following resources are geared to help faculty with professional development and education.