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PubMed Outside Tool

Help on accessing resources in PubMed

Using Outside Tool

Outside Tool makes it easier for you to access resources in PubMed. Articles and other content in PubMed fall into one or more of three general categories of availability:

  • Available free on PubMed. Outside Tool is not needed.
  • Available through a database the Thompson Library subscribes to. Outside Tool directs you through our linking service (Article Linker), which will provide links to the article.
  • Not available at U-M Flint. In this case, Outside Tool will open a prefilled interlibrary loan form. (You must authenticate in ILLiad before the form appears.)

Although searching PubMed is available free to the general public, we recommend that U-M Flint students, faculty, and staff use the Thompson Library's link. Because it uses Outside Tool, it makes an enormous number of articles available free that are otherwise behind paywalls.


More information about using Outside Tool.

Using CoCites