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Through our partnership with the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, UM-Flint students, faculty, and staff have access to OverDrive, an eBook and audiobook platform used by libraries across the country.
Most books have a default checkout period of 21 days. (Books used for course reserves and textbooks may have checkouts of only 1 or 3 days.) Users at U-M are limited to three books (either eBooks or audiobooks) checked out from OverDrive at a time. Once you have reached the limit you will need to return a book before you can check out a new one. (You can return books early—you don't have to wait for the loan to expire.)
You can browse, check out and read books online at, or you can use the Libby app on your mobile device.
You may wish to check to see if your local public library also has access to OverDrive. For example, Flint Public Library and Genesee District Library offer eBooks and audiobooks through OverDrive/Libby. You can have access to multiple libraries on Libby, so if you are already using OverDrive/Libby through your public library you can add U-M as an additional library.
E-books and audiobooks, featuring primarily popular literature, graphic novels and non-fiction from trade publishers. No guest access.
OverDrive is a platform for e-books and audiobooks. OverDrive features primarily popular literature, graphic novels, and non-fiction from trade publishers. OverDrive also hosts some course materials on University Reserves.
Download the Libby app to your Mac OS or Android smartphone or tablet to read on the go. Many books are available in Kindle Book, ePub, and OverDrive Read file types. Libby can combine multiple accounts, so if you already have an account with another library, such as Flint Public Library or Genesee District Library, you can read all your books in Libby, no matter where you checked them out. You can listen to audiobooks on Libby, too.
How to install and use OverDrive and Libby:
Most OverDrive books can be checked out for 7, 14, or 21 days -- you decide. Books can be returned early, releasing them to the next reader. Reserves can be checked out for 1 or 3 days. You can check out 3 books at a time. If someone else has the book you want, you can place a hold. You will be notified when the book is available to check out. You can place up to 10 holds at a time.
Privacy note: use of OverDrive requires sign-in that discloses your credentials from the U-M Directory to OverDrive Inc.
Before using OverDrive, you must first create an account on OverDrive.
Go to OverDrive site
Click on the "Sign In" link near the upper right.
Then on the next page—the Welcome screen— you'll click another "Sign In" link.
You will be presented with the standard U-M login screen [image] (if you are not logged in already elsewhere).
The first time you connect to OverDrive, in the process of logging in you will be presented with the Information Release (OverDrive needs to know who you are so that you can check out books and access them on your devices). Review the information and click on "Confirm."
You are now ready to check out books in OverDrive!
For more help with Overdrive, see
You can user the Overdrive Libby app to discover and read eBooks and audiobooks from OverDrive on your mobile device, phone or tablet (Android and Apple iOS are supported). You can also use Libby to send books you have borrowed to your Kindle.
To begin, download the Libby app from your device's app store.
Open the Libby app, click on the icon in the upper right, and select "Add a Library."
(Please note that your exact steps to take will depend on your specific device and whether or not you have already activated Libby for another library!)
Search for "Michigan," then select "University of Michigan."
You'll see that you are now at the University of Michigan Shelf. But you still need to log in! Scroll down a ways on the page until you find the "Let's add a library card..." section. (Note: for Libby purposes, your "Library Card" is your University of Michigan login, not a physical card!) Click on "Enter Library Account Details."
Then click on "Next."
It will then send you to and present you with the U-M Ann Arbor login page [image]. Login here, just as you would when authenticating to use other library resources remotely (you may need to go through standard Duo authentication if you haven't done so already. You may also be presented with the Information Release screen.). Then go back to the Libby app—you'll see that you now have a U-M Library card on Libby! Click on "Next" and you're ready to browse, read, and listen on Libby!
For more on installing and using Libby, see the video at
For more help with Libby, see