Welcome to the library's course guide for UNV 100: Sites and Sounds of Africa!
During your library orientation, you'll get a tour of the library building and website. You will also learn about the specific journals and databases on this guide, which will help you complete your research paper.
Complete the following assignment for participation points during class.
If you need a refresher on the building or website tour, watching the following videos might help. Also, remember the FAQ's on the library's homepage!
Academic journals publish the results or findings of researchers in a specific academic field. The articles in them are often reviewed by a researcher's peers before they are published as a check for authority and validity.
The following journals are some of the most reputable African history journals.
The following databases contain many journals and other publications related to African history and Africana studies. They are good places to search beyond the three journals listed above.
16th century - present. Includes content from South African Studies, African Studies, and African HealthLine, covering all areas of scholarship of Africa.
A new interface for Africa-Wide Information is coming in May. Try it today!
Full-text access to the archives of core scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and science, plus full text ebooks and open access content.
Mostly 3-5 years & older full text. African American studies, anthropology, botany, business, ecology, economics, education, general science, geography, history, language & literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, sociology, statistics.
Dates of coverage vary by journal title. All go back to the very first issue published, but most have a "moving wall" embargo that excludes issues from the most recent X years (where X can be anywhere from 0 up to 10 years, depending on the particular journal; most are in the 3 to 5 year embargo range).
Hint: Use documents to find useful keywords and concepts, and retrieve matching JSTOR content, via JSTOR Text Analyzer.
Historians often publish their work in books as well as shorter journal articles. And while journal articles are very specific in their topic, books have the space to include more information. Use QuickSearch for books and ebooks (as well as articles) related to African history.
If you want a book from one of the Ann Arbor campus libraries, you can place a Get This request to have it sent to the UM-Flint's Thompson library.
The discovery tool that lets you search the Thompson Library's books, journals, articles, course reserves, streaming media, and more.
Formerly Search All or Primo VE.