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Library Supports Publishing in OA Journals

by Matt Wolverton on 2024-09-12T16:38:00-04:00 in Library Information, Research Process, Scholarly Publishing & Activity | 0 Comments

Open access iconThe trend towards Open Access publishing has broadened the dissemination and availability of academic research. However, the cost in this model has shifted the burden from the institution to the author. These costs come in the form of Article Processing Charges, or APC’s, which are author-paid charges required by publishers to offset their loss of subscription revenue, and can range from the hundreds to thousands of dollars.

The Thompson Library participates in a number of agreements with publishers to either waive or discount the APC for the author. We encourage UM-Flint faculty, staff, and students to utilize these credits as another potential avenue for publishing opportunities.

The most substantial of these agreements is with Cambridge University Press via our Read and Publish agreement: OA Publishing Agreement with the Big Ten Academic Alliance. With this agreement, UM-Flint affiliated authors can publish in over 400 Cambridge Open Access Journals at no cost. Authors simply submit research using institutional affiliation (Cambridge prefers using ORCID). Once the submission is accepted, the author chooses the Gold Open Access option along with a Creative Commons license in the publishing agreement form. Detailed directions may be found on Cambridge’s Open Access Waivers and Discounts page.

In addition to Cambridge University Press Open Access journals, APC’s are also waived for UM-Flint authors for Wiley, IOP Publishing, Microbiology Society, and Public Library of Science (PLoS).

10%-15% discounts are available for journals published by BioMed Central (BMC), DeGruyter Journals, Elsevier, Sage, Springer, and Taylor & Francis.

See our comprehensive list of discounts at Open Access APC Discounts Through the Library.

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