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Collection of directories, encyclopedias, guides, articles, and more on U.S. politics, law, and policy.
Includes these collections:
Contains legislation, Congressional Record, and Committee activities, historical and in the present.
More info on dates of coverage
Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full-text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws.
ProQuest legislative histories are comprised of fully searchable PDFs of full-text publications generated in the course of congressional lawmaking. Each history includes the full text of the public law itself, all versions of related bills, law-specific Congressional Record excerpts, committee hearings, reports, and prints. Also included are presidential signing statements, CRS reports, and miscellaneous congressional publications that provide background material to aid in the understanding of issues related to the making of the law.
Legislative histories may be used to discover the legislative intent behind a specific law and to aid in the teaching of legislative process to law school and main campus students. The histories also offer insight into laws of general interest to political science, government, and U.S. history researchers, as well as to students preparing for careers in public health, education, business, or any other discipline subject to federal regulation.
Retrospective database providing full-text access to the archives of core legal journals and other legal materials.
Includes federal laws, regulations, case law, reports & opinions of the U.S. Attorney General, and more.
Provided by the U-M Law Library.
The official compilation of all public and private laws and resolutions passed by Congress from 1951 through 2013.
The laws and resolutions are listed in chronological order of enactment and arranged by public law number. The Statutes at Large is issued approximately a year after the end of each Congress.
Compilation of all general and permanent laws currently in effect. Every six years public laws are incorporated in the US Code. The US Code is arranged by subject and displays the current status of a law.
Print version available in Reference Collection: KF 62 1927 .W45
Government transparency website. The site helps ordinary citizens find and track bills in the U.S. Congress and understand their representatives legislative record. Set up account and track committees, motions, and bills on topics of interest.
Research guides, informational tables, and other resources about the U.S. Congress, law making, and legislative histories. Compiled by the Law Librarians' Society of Washington D.C.
Documents prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS), which serves as nonpartisan shared staff to congressional committees and Members of Congress.
Collection of directories, encyclopedias, guides, articles, and more on U.S. politics, law, and policy.
Includes these collections: