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For research in public health, you will be looking for journal articles using the databases (linked below) PubMed/Medline, which is the largest biomedical research database worldwide, and CINAHL, which indexes journals and other information sources in allied health areas, and will include useful information for public health. Sources for health statistics are also linked below.
PubMed indexes over 4,000 biomedical, nursing, dentistry and related journals, with over 21 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE and related databases. PubMed is produced by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and provides links between article citations and relevant data in other NCBI ENTREZ databases, including Nucleotide and Protein Sequences, Protein Structures, Complete Genomes, Taxonomy, and others.
Proximity searching is available, which allows you to find terms within specified distances from each other.
Includes journal literature, 1950-present; selected online books. This version uses Outside Tool to link to resources at UM-Flint.
Video tutorials:
1937-present. Covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health, and 17 allied health disciplines. Includes journal articles, evidence-based care sheets, health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals, and book chapters.
Video tutorials:
Nationwide data on health indices by county. Includes statistics & rankings on mortality & morbidity, health behaviors, clinical care, social & economic factors, and physical environment.
Statistics relating to health, disease, & mortality, from the Centers for Disease Control, updated weekly.
Publications from 1982-present.
1887-present. Includes journals, books, book chapters, and dissertations in psychology, from APA PsycInfo and APA PsycArticles.
A new interface for PsycInfo & PsycArticles is coming in May. Try it today!
Provides cross-search of multiple Web of Science databases.
Database Types: Datasets; Journals & Articles; Resource Platform; Search Engine
Mobile app available.
[User's guide]