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Digital primary collections sourced from around the world.
Tips for using this collection are available in the Adam Matthew Digital Help Centre.
Includes these collections:
Digitized collections of books, sheet music, pamphlets, documents, narratives, images, & other materials.
A selection of published works, including poetry, fiction, essays, and biographies & autobiographies.
Searchable transcriptions of Works Progress Administration interviews of ex-slaves made in the late 1930s.
Collections of primary source documents from American history.
Includes: America's Historical Newspapers, 1690-1922; America's Historical Imprints; Afro-Americana Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1535-1922; African American Newspapers, 1827-1998; African American Periodicals, 1825-1995; Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980.
Topically-focused digital collections of historical documents.
Includes these collections:
Magazine content from Ebony (1945-2014), JET (1951-2014), and the African American Historical Serials Collection (1816-1992).
A new interface for Black Magazines on EBSCOhost is coming in May. Try it today!
Includes these collections:
Cross-searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, periodicals, historical newspapers, and more.
Black Studies Center is a fully cross-searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, recent periodicals, historical newspaper articles, reference books, Black Abolitionist Papers, and much more. At the heart of Black Studies Center is Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, consisting of essays that provide an introduction to major topics in Black Studies. Black Studies Center provides the historical full-text of one of the most influential black newspapers in the United States, The Chicago Defender, as well as the Michigan Chronicle (1936-2010).
A digital collection of 23 interviews of former slaves out of 2,300 taken by the Works Progress Administration. The full print collection can be found under the call number E441 .A58.
Books & articles, 18th century - 1920. Includes biographical, autobiographical, & fictionalized narratives of fugitive and former slaves published as broadsides, pamphlets, or books in English up to 1920. (Part of DocSouth)
Collection devoted to the transatlantic history of slavery; includes books, manuscripts, court records, and serials from US and European archives.
Includes four parts:
Data on thousands of slaving voyages between 1514 and 1866, with downloadable datasets.
Contains records of nearly 35,000 separate slaving voyages between 1514 and 1866, gleaned from original documents and historical publications located in archives, libraries, and other institutions throughout the world. Data from these historical records were collected over many decades and will continue to be updated as new documents are discovered. Individuals will be able to contribute their own research to this collaborative resource. Each record in the Voyages Database offers information on a single slaving voyage; some of the details include the country of origin, the individual(s) who sponsored it, the voyage itself (its itinerary, dates of travel, and outcome), captains, numbers of slaves transported, and the sources providing this voyage information.
From the website: “The SlaveVoyages website is a collaborative digital initiative that compiles and makes publicly accessible records of the largest slave trades in history. Search these records to learn about the broad origins and forced relocations of more than 12 million African people who were sent across the Atlantic in slave ships, and hundreds of thousands more who were trafficked within the Americas. Explore where they were taken, the numerous rebellions that occurred, the horrific loss of life during the voyages, the identities and nationalities of the perpetrators, and much more.”
Digital primary collections sourced from around the world.
Tips for using this collection are available in the Adam Matthew Digital Help Centre.
Includes these collections:
A selection of published works, including poetry, fiction, essays, and biographies & autobiographies.
Topically-focused digital collections of historical documents.
Includes these collections:
Digitized images of American magazines and journals detailing American history and culture from the mid-18th century through the late-19th century.
Includes these collections:
Brings together instructional, prescriptive, behavioral, and etiquette literature that defined standards of conduct.
Searchable handbooks, manuals, textbooks, etiquette guides, self-help books, instructional pamphlets, and how-to books of instructional, prescriptive, behavioral, and etiquette literature that defined standards of personal conduct for millions of Americans and reflected the prevailing social mores across the twentieth century. When complete, the collection will contain 150,000 pages that illustrate both how Americans actually behaved and how they felt they ought to behave.
Primary documents from the history of women in social movements between 1600 and the present.
Includes these collections:
Digital primary collections sourced from around the world.
Tips for using this collection are available in the Adam Matthew Digital Help Centre.
Includes these collections:
Biographies, events & topics, primary sources, timelines, images & videos, maps & charts.
Topically-focused digital collections of historical documents.
Includes these collections:
Citations to articles and books relating to all aspects of native North American culture and history.
A new interface for this collection is coming in May. Try it today!
Citations to books, essays, journal articles, and government documents of the United States and Canada. BNNA covers all aspects of native North American culture, history and life. Content range covers sixteenth century through the present. Earliest indexed publication is from 1890; some coverage throughout 20th century; bulk of the collection was published after 1990.
Large compilation of biographical material on indigenous peoples from all regions of North America. Includes biographies, auto-biographies, personal narratives, speeches, diaries and oral histories.
This database represents the largest compilation ever created of biographical information on indigenous peoples from all areas of North America. North American Indian Thought and Culture contains around 120,000 pages of text and images, including biographies, auto-biographies, personal narratives, speeches, diaries, letters, and oral histories. Particular care has been taken to index this material so that it can be searched thoroughly. Full-length reference works also are included to give background and context to the narratives.
Topically-focused digital collections of historical documents.
Includes these collections:
Collection of historical content pertaining to U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture from colonial times until 1960. Includes manuscript, book, and newspaper content.
A new interface for Arte Público is coming in May. Try it today!
Collections of primary source documents from American history.
Includes: America's Historical Newspapers, 1690-1922; America's Historical Imprints; Afro-Americana Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1535-1922; African American Newspapers, 1827-1998; African American Periodicals, 1825-1995; Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980.
Digital archive of articles published by interned Japanese-Americans between 1942 and 1945.
Offers rare first-person accounts and seldom-heard voices. It contains 24,838 pages of articles published by interned Japanese-Americans between 1942 and 1945.
The 25 newspapers presented here are sourced from the Library of Congress. Many of the titles in this archive are complete or substantially complete. Editions have been carefully collated and omissions are noted. Although articles in these files frequently appear in Japanese, most of the papers are in English.
Digital primary collections sourced from around the world.
Tips for using this collection are available in the Adam Matthew Digital Help Centre.
Includes these collections: