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About the Library


Welcome to the Frances Willson Thompson Library! We serve the reference and information needs of the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Michigan - Flint.

Phone Numbers:

Circulation & Reference: 810-762-3400

Text: 810-407-5434

Genesee Historical Collections Center: 810-762-3402

Email Addresses:



Genesee Historical Collections Center:

Mailing Address:

Frances Willson Thompson Library
University of Michigan - Flint
303 E. Kearsley St.
Flint, MI 48502-1950

Library Hours

For regular Fall & Winter hours, the Thompson Library is open to UM-Flint students, faculty, and staff as follows:

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 10pm
Friday: 9am - 6pm

Before noon and after 5pm, access is available by MCard. Visitors are welcome from 12pm - 5pm or by appointment.