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Business: A Guide to Library Research

Company Data Resources

Privately Held Companies

Information on privately held companies is notoriously difficult to obtain as they are not required to file with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC).   Since these companies are not required to publicly provide information, only information voluntarily released is usually available from outside the organization.

However, Thompson Library (UM-Flint) does have a few databases that may help when researching privately owned or wholey owned companies.

The databases listed below are suggested resources to try.  If they do NOT provide information needed, an attempt may be made to contact the company directly and simply ASK if they would share the information you need to complete your research.  Again, they have no requirement to do so, so we remind you to be extremely polite, identify yourself and your association with University of Michigan-Flint, and provide information regarding intended use of anything they are willing to share.


In addition to the databases listed below (for company data), please consider using the various journal index databases for JOURNAL ARTICLES & BUSINESS NEWS, which will likely include any news items about privately held companies within their collections.  This could be a great source of information on the operations or changes within such a company!

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