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Background historical, demographic, and other information on every country in the world as well as most territories.
Business & residential addresses, and some related statistical data.
Country level data from the EIU from 1952-1995 for nearly 200 countries.
The Economist Intelligence Unit has published Country Reports since 1952, covering almost 200 countries. Each report presents detailed statistics alongside expert commentary and forecasting from the EIUs analysts. This database presents the historical reports up to 1995, with all data from the statistical tables fully captured and downloadable in spreadsheet form. This is a unique archive of analysis and explanation of political, economic and commercial developments, together with historical statistical data.
Global information about Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Initial Public Offerings (IPO), Private Equity (PE), and Venture Capital (VC) deals.
Enter "University of Michigan" in the "Enter your organization's name" box to authenticate and use the database. No guest access.
Information about Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Initial Public Offering (IPO), Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) deals, going back five years for international deals and back to 1997 for deals involving European and American companies.
Users are required to enter "University of Michigan" in the "Enter your organization's name" box to authenticate and use the database.Technical Notes: Use of scripts or automated methods to download data from Zephyr is strictly prohibited. If you require access to a larger dataset, please contact
Use policy: When using material from this database in reports and presentations, vendor contract requirements require that you include the phrase, "Used with permission of Orbis." This database is for personal use only, meaning that you should never share your log-in credentials for this resource.
Extensive industry, demographic, consumer, and economic data for numerous countries worldwide.
Includes forecast data, market data for 330 consumer products in 49 countries, data on 100,000 brands, and full text market analysis reports.
Web-based mapping application that allows you to create thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data.
Sources include: U.S. government sources such as the census, Department of Labor statistics, FBI, and National Climatic Data Center; Mediamark Research Inc (MRI) Consumer Survey, EASI Analytic Life Stages, EASI Health Care, Nielsen PRIZM Consumer Buying Power, Nielsen Retail Market Power; and Nielsen Financial CLOUT datasets.
Data can be downloaded for use with other software such as Excel and GIS.
Users need to create their own account with email address in order to be able to save work. If you do not wish to create a personal account, you may log in as a guest.