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The following databases are good sources to find journal articles on topics related to WGS.
Covers gender studies, sexual behavior surveys, family & marital issues, conversion therapy, gay & lesbian rights, health aspects, and other issues.
1972-present. Combines Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases, with coverage of sexual diversity issues, and the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside & outside academia.
A new interface for Gender Studies Database is coming in May. Try it today!
Indexes the popular and scholarly literature addressing issues related to Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender communities.
A new interface for LGBTQ+ Source is coming in May. Try it today!
1997-present (varies by title). Indexes 600 popular & scholarly publications (including journals, newspapers, magazines, and books) addressing the social, legal, economic, political, cultural, historical, literary, & health concerns of the Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender community. Includes Sexual Diversity Studies. Excludes fiction & erotica. Includes full text of more than 130 journals and more than 170 books.
1972-present. Covers sociology, history, political science & economy, public policy, international relations, arts & humanities, business, and education.
A new interface for Women's Studies International is coming in May. Try it today!
Covers the core disciplines in Women's Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. This database supports curriculum development in the areas of sociology, history, political science & economy, public policy, international relations, arts & humanities, business and education. Its sources include: journals, newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, books, book chapters, proceedings, reports, theses, dissertations, NGO studies, Web sites & Web documents, and grey literature. Women's Studies International includes the following database files: Women Studies Abstracts, Women's Studies Bibliography Database, Women's Studies Database, Women Studies Librarian, Women of Color and Southern Women: A Bibliography of Social Science Research, and Women's Health and Development: An Annotated Bibliography.
Full-text access to the archives of core scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and science, plus full text ebooks and open access content.
Mostly 3-5 years & older full text. African American studies, anthropology, botany, business, ecology, economics, education, general science, geography, history, language & literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, sociology, statistics.
Dates of coverage vary by journal title. All go back to the very first issue published, but most have a "moving wall" embargo that excludes issues from the most recent X years (where X can be anywhere from 0 up to 10 years, depending on the particular journal; most are in the 3 to 5 year embargo range).
Hint: Use documents to find useful keywords and concepts, and retrieve matching JSTOR content, via JSTOR Text Analyzer.