University of Michigan-Flint Faculty Senate & Shared Governance

University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Reports and Documents

University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Charge and Membership

Charge: The UCC shall advise the provost on curricular matters, new degree programs, and review of existing programs. The committee shall oversee the university’s General Education curriculum. This committee (or any relevant subcommittee on General Education) is advisory to the faculties of the colleges and schools, presenting pertinent program matters to the unit faculties for their consideration, and to provide recommendations to the provost. The UCC shall also advise the provost or the designate on matters relating to the development and operation of graduate programs. For all program proposals it receives, the committee shall consider academic quality, efficient use of faculty resources and other pertinent matters, and advise the provost.

Membership: University Curriculum Committee (UCC) shall consist of one representative from each academic unit elected by the Faculty Senate for three year terms, and two student members annually appointed by Student Government. The provost will annually appoint two members based on their expertise and roles; the appointees will normally be the General Education Director and a Graduate Program Director. The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Associate Provost for Graduate Programs shall both be members, ex officio, and serve as alternating co-chairs, along with a faculty member from the committee.

Approved on December 2, 2020 at the Faculty Senate meeting.

Academic Year 2023 - 2024 Members:

  • Mehrdad Simkani (CIT), 2024 - Co-chair
  • Gena Welch (CHS), 2025
  • Mickey Doyle (LIB), 2025
  • Cathy Miller (SOM), 2026
  • Mary Miles (SON), 2026
  • Jennifer Alvey (CASE), 2026
  • Provost Appointees: Rajib Ganguly (Gen Ed Director), Christopher Lewis (Graduate Program Representative), Lee Cruppenink (Registrar)
  • Sami Kotob, Noor Ruzhan (student representatives)
  • Sapna Thwaite, Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies (ex officio, Co-chair)